Online Enrolment Form / Enrolment Scheme

Online Enrolment Form


What documents do I need to enrol?

  • proof of your child's age and citizenship - birth certificate, passport, citizenship certificate or NZ residency document.
  • your child's immunisation certificate (from your Well Child book)
  • proof of address if in zone

Click here for information on our Before School Transition Visits

Enrolment Scheme

The Board of Trustees of Glen Eden School has implemented an enrolment scheme for the school under the provisions of Section 11H(1) of the Education Act 1989.

Under this scheme, students will be enrolled if they live within the home zone.

If you are not in the School Zone you will need to make an out of zone enrolment application.

Depending on the roll at any time the Board of Trustees will make a decision to see whether we can accept Out of Zone enrolments.

Out of Zone Deadline Dates for Applications & Ballots 2025

Glen Eden Primary School Home Zone:

Barnea Circle

Bowers Road

Brandon Road

Captain Scott Road - 67, 72 and below

Clayburn Road


Evans Road

Glendale Road - ODD: 29 and below; EVEN: 110 and below

Glenmall Place

Glenorchy Street

Glenview Road

Glucina Place

Great North Rd (school side) - EVEN: 4004 - 4128

Inver Street

Janet Clews Place

John F Kennedy Place

Kevin Court

Malam Street

Meilland Place

Oates Road

Osman Street

Palm Court Drive

Panzic Place

Pleasant Road - ODD: 31 and below

Routley Drive

Sarona Ave

Savoy Road

Swan Hill Drive

Terra Nova Street

Verdale Circle

Waikumete Road

West Coast Road - ODD: 297 and below; EVEN: 64 -340

Westech Place

Westward Ho

Wilson Road

What does zoning mean?

Zoning means:

  • Children who live in the school's area (the zone) are guaranteed a place at their local school.
  • If the school has extra places, children who live outside the zone can apply for those places.
  • If the school has zoning you need to give an address within this zone when you apply to enrol your child. This must be your usual place of residence. If the school finds that you have given false information, they may cancel your child's enrolment.

What if I want to enrol my child at a school, but I'm not in their zone?

Each year, our school is required to put a notice in a school newsletter saying:

  • the closing date for applications for out-of-zone places
  • any ballot dates for out-of-zone places.

However, you can contact a school at any time to ask about zoning and have them send you an enrolment pack which will have important dates.

How does the application process work?

Applicants are accepted in this order:

  1. first priority must be given to any applicant who is accepted for enrolment in a special programme run by the school
  2. second priority must be given to any applicant who is the sibling of a current student of the school
  3. third priority must be given to any student who is the sibling of a former student of the school
  4. fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school
  5. fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school
  6. sixth priority must be given to all other applicants.

If the board receives fewer applications than there are places available all applicants will be enrolled.

What if there are more applicants than places?

The school must hold a ballot (draw) to fill the places available.

Within 3 school days of the ballot happening, the school must post letters informing applicants of the outcome of the ballot.

The Secretary of Education's instructions to schools are that siblings at the same year level should be kept together for the purpose of the ballot, so that if one sibling's name is drawn, the other is automatically successful also.

Some primary schools with enrolment zones will hold more than one ballot each year. This is for 5-year-olds who are starting school.

Glen Eden Primary School
makes learning an enjoyable
and rewarding experience
for our tamariki.



Phone: (09) 818 6686
Mobile: 027 337 7002



Glen Eden Primary School
3 Glenview Rd
Glen Eden,
Auckland 0602